Saturday, November 05, 2005

Girls in Capes

Poised for action: Shawnelle (l) as Super Woman with co-worker Amy as Wonder Woman.

Shawnee (l) as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and Jenn as the Runaway Bride from the Future.

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. I love the idea of being someone else for the day but this year Halloween almost didn't happen for Shawnee and I. If it wasn't for me stuffing myself into a child's Super Woman costume--half the price people--I would've just been plain old me last weekend...been there, done that.

We ended up missing the first party we were supposed to attend, so when it came time to celebrate with my co-workers (for the last time as I left the job last week) I grabbed Dorothy (Shawnee) and my co-worker pal Jenn and we followed the yellow brick road to Woodland Hills for the festivities. While there we all got a kick out of seeing Amy walk through the door as another caped crusader, nibbled delicious snacks provided by hostess Siv and even got a short-lived cha-cha line going through the place. I'm gonna miss being there! The afterparty included Shawnee, Jenn and I heading to a nearby club and listening to Karaoke all night. We would've all brought the house down with song ourselves if they didn't close the joint at 12:30. Next time gadget...Next time....

Even though I thought Shawnee's costume was adorable, she also got a chance to get her hero on a few days later. Who can resist being Super for a day!


Shawnee reinventing the Superwoman look at BMP party with friend Chas.